A few years back a blogpost titled "5 truths of top-level freelancers" caught my eye. I was 2 years into my freelancing career and working out of the Reno Collective "fishbowl" in downtown Reno. The article made me stop and consider: am I really doing this, or am I just doing this. The writer, Ashley Livingston on the Freelancers Union blog, states that top-level freelancers have 5 truths in common and that to own this game we all must:
At the time I was able to check a few of the 5 boxes Livingston lists, but I knew I needed help with the rest and that's where Reno Collective came in. I was surrounded by other people who I trusted to review my prices and offer feedback, people who had experience with automating tasks and helped me determine what programs would be beneficial, and - most importantly for me at the time - people who would take a break in the day to sit and have a coffee and offer the words of encouragement I needed to feel authoritative and authentic about my work.
That's what Reno Collective does for a number of other people - freelancers striving to keep up, remote employees feeling disconnected, small business owners who are scaling, and more.
We have a dedicated collection of staff and owners that are here to help connect, engage and support you as a freelancer with resources, research, programming, YEARS of experience, and an ever-growing network. No matter how many years of experience as an independent worker that you have, assistance and support are key as in any traditional office setting.
At Reno Collective, we are more than just a workspace - we are coworking together. Sound like a place you would benefit from? Set up a tour so we can show you around, introduce you to some kick-ass people and get you to work!