With a lifestyle of never-ending to-do lists, setting and accomplishing goals can be especially tricky. Day 1, inspiration hits. Day 2, reality hits. A tried-and-true method of accomplishing a goal? Accountability to someone other than yourself.
One of the biggest benefits of working out of the Reno Collective is the chance to join a 6-week accountability group called "Cotivation." Cotivation is a quarterly program where a small group of Collective members meet for 1 hour a week, across 6 weeks, with a moderator who presents topics and leads discussions. Each member decides on a goal or habit to work on over the 6-week session, shares it with the group and - tah dah! - the magic happens.
Co-tivation. Like Mo-tivation coworking-style...get it?!?
Now, not every Cotivation participant gets their goal accomplished in those 6 weeks - but evidence proves that just taking it off the back burner of life and sharing it with others gets you one step closer to success. Weekly meetings ensure everyone has a sense of accountability as well as ongoing guidance from helpful peers. Challenges are routinely identified, tackled, then re-examined, so participants feel a sense of not just progress in their work but in their development as better professionals and more well-rounded people.
Membership at the Reno Collective isn't just a "place to work," it's a place to be a part of a community that collaborates and motivates.
RC Members - if you are interested in participating sign up here.
If you are curious about Cotivation - or a membership at the Collective - contact Rachel: rachel@renocollective.com or (members) reach out to @Rachel on slack.